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Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
clicks:  2901        作者:未知
  • Details about Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

    Descriptions of Vitamin B1

    Vitamin B1, generally referred to as thiamin, is a B-complex water-soluble vitamin that was first characterized in 1930. Thiamine occurs naturally and freely in the human body as phosphorylated form. Phosphorylated forms of thiamine, thiamine triphosphate (TTP) are needed as co-enzymes for a small number of enzymes. These enzymes play an important role in energy production for food.

    Functions of B1

    Thiamine is essentially for the release of energy, carbohydrate metabolism and the nervous system, heart and brain, gastrointestinal functions and also to muscles. When there is a deficiency of Vitamin B1, weakness, depression, stunning, it can causes tingling in the hands and feet. It can also cause headaches, memory loss and sleep problems.

    Recommended daily allowance for adults: 1.4 milligrams

    Vitamina B1 en la alimentaci��n

    A varied diet could provide each individual with adequate thiamine to ensure good health. Thiamine is a typical ingredient in brown rice, refined cereals, legumes such as beans and lentils, flour, yeast, nuts, potatoes and pork. White rice and white flour are supplemented with sources of thiamine to prevent deficiencies in people whose diet is based on these foods.

    Vitamina B1 as supplements

    Thiamine is recommended for smokers and heavy drinkers, people with high continuous physical performance, people on diet of sugar and carbohydrates, and people with heart problems, damage or stress growth. It may also be beneficial during pregnancy for lactating women and adolescents during growth.


    Antioxidants such as vitamin C can prevent oxidation of thiamine to its inactive form, which occurs in some foods.


    Chronic alcoholics can receive thiamine injections to prevent deficiencies. Thiamine is not safe for children under 12 years or people with kidney problems (it accumulates in the kidneys). Thiamine deficiencies occur in people who consume large amounts of tea and coffee, due to factors against existing tiam��nicos in these drinks. The fish oil may also contain an enzyme to thiamine (tiaminazas).


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